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[공지] 2024 상반기 회원 보수교육 안내

조회수 75



2024년 상반기 보수교육 일정을 안내드립니다. 


● 시간: 2024년 4월 13일 (토) 오전 9 : 00 – 12 : 00

● 장소: 온라인 ZOOM

● 강사: Alison Short, Ph.D


● 주제: Contextualizing mind, body and spirit within culture and community: An ecological approach to applied GIM therapy.

●Proposed Abstract:

We all know the value of GIM, but sometimes we struggle to speak confidently about our therapeutic approach and its benefits within the interprofessional health setting. This lecture presentation frames GIM within the widely accepted ecological model of health, as linked to the social determinants of health outlined by the World Health Organisation. In order to further articulate roles in music therapy and GIM, the new Music, Health and Wellbeing Continuum model (Short and MacRitchie, 2023) is presented, forming a useful delineation from which to build understandings of the role of the GIM therapist. This occurs via presentation of clinical case material integrating of mind-body-spirit within the ecological culture and community of the person. The importance of contextualising GIM within an interprofessional approach is seen as valuable in assisting with the growth and development of mind-body-spirit form clients, and more broadly in defining the many roles of using music for a range of benefits, where GIM forms a specialist music therapy approach. Finally, the need for resilience as GIM practitioners is explored, where both challenges and successful milestones are acknowledged and celebrated.

등록링크 https://forms.gle/gpd2mQbs2jZE5uvp6

통역: Jenn 선생님 - 숙명여대에서 영문학사. 시카고 일리노이 대학원 사회학 석사



보수교육은 회비를 납부하신 정회원과 준회원(레벨 3 수료자)에 한 해 참여 가능합니다.


◎ 정회원 회비(Fellow) : 7만원

     준회원 회비(레벨 3 수료자) : 5만원

◎ 입금계좌 : 110-066-437585 (신한은행 이난복GIM)

◎ 납부 시 본인 이름과 전화번호 뒷자리를 기록해 납부해주시기 바랍니다. 

◎ 회비납부 확인 후 4월 12일 저녁에 ZOOM 링크와 강의 자료 보내드리겠습니다.


KAMI 협회원 선생님들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.


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